Deception: How the Nazis Tricked the Last Jews of Europe

Tuesday 27 April 2021
19:00 to 20:30

Chris Hale - Author, researcher, producer and filmmaker  - tells the story behind his book on April 27th at 7.00 online.  £10 all proceeds go to charity.

In the Spring of 1944, Nazi Germany occupied Hungary – and Adolf Hitler ordered SS colonel Adolf Eichmann to organise the deportation of hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz. And yet weeks after his arrival, Eichmann summoned Zionist rescuer Joel Brand to his headquarters in Budapest – and offered to ransom ‘a million Jews for hundreds of trucks’. The Germans flew Brand to Istanbul where he met with members of the Zionist Agency– who sent news of ransom offer to the Allies. Details of ‘Blood for Trucks’ soon reached the desks of American president Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill - and presented the Allies with perplexing dilemmas. Was it a ruse? So, a decision was made to scupper the SS ransom offer. Eichmann went ahead with deportations. Hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews were murdered in Auschwitz. Had the Allies betrayed one of the last surviving Jewish communities in Nazi occupied Europe?

For tickets please follow this link to Eventbrite.

Cost £10 - all proceeds go to the charity