Dear all,

We will be holding an Annual General Meeting on TUESDAY 22ND NOVEMBER, 7.30pm at 89 Haliburton Road.

As we have not held one for a few years due to the pandemic it would be great if as many people as possible can come along.


 We are looking for a new chair person for the TCA. This isn't a hugely onerous task, just requires some time to link ideas and people regarding any concerns and celebrations occurring with the local stretch of the Tidal Crane, whilst chairing the occasional meeting. Many of us use the river and benefit from the previous efforts of the TCA members commitments. The main job now is to continue those efforts. 


We will also be holding elections for Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer if anyone is interested in taking over one of these roles. If you require any more information please contact me.


Look forward to seeing you.


Kind regards,



Secretary TCA