Thank you for booking tickets for our Barn Dance
Saturday 21 September 2019 from 7.30pm to 11.00pm.
You will receve an email to verify your email address and confirm your booking from the church office in the next couple of days. This will include unique numbers for your tickets that you can use to collect your tickets.
How to collect your tickets
You can either drop into the Church Office to collect your tickets or you can turn up on the night and collect them at the door, they will be reserved for you in an envelope.
Have a great evening!
Contact details for St Barnabas Church Office:
- Address: St Barnabas Church, Temple Road, Epsom, Surrey KT19 8HA
- Tel: 01372 721518 (office open on Thursdays and Fridays - please note the line is shared with Love Me Love My Mind but please do leve a message)
- Email: