

Volunteers are vital to Shirley Neighbourhood Care as we couldn’t operate without the generosity of people who are prepared to give up their time.  Helping an older resident by bringing companionship or lending a hand on our outings or trips to the supermarket or at our lunch club brings a reward of knowing you have improved the lives of others and our clients are truly grateful.   Due to insurance restrictions, our volunteers need to be aged between 18 and over and under 80.

All volunteers need to be prepared to undertake a DBS (criminal record) check which we will organise and pay for, although a record may not exclude you from volunteering.  Volunteers also need to take online safeguarding training every year and lunch club volunteers need food and hygiene training which must be repeated every two years.

We have a number of specific volunteering opportunities at the moment:


drivers-needed-300x129.jpgVolunteer Drivers who are prepared to use their own cars to drive our frail and elderly clients to medical appointments in Croydon or Bromley or to take them to our local events. The elders rely on the help and companionship our volunteer drivers provide on these occasions. You can choose your available slots and decline if something isn’t suitable.  We will cover mileage costs if you need to claim them.


Shopping bus escorts are required for our regular shopping bus on alternate Tuesdays.  Escorts travel on the bus with our volunteer minibus driver and help to collect the elders from their homes and take them to local supermarkets.  Some clients need extra help in the shop.   If the supermarket has a café they like to get together for a coffee and a natter after shopping and then the bus takes them home.  You may need to carry the shopping in to the house.  Volunteers help during the morning or afternoon sessions and they need to be free between 9am and 12.30pm or 1pm and 5pm once or twice a month.

If you have some time to spare and would like to know more, get in touch with the SNC office by using our website contact form or by phoning 020 8662 9599.