Shirley Neighbourhood Care (SNC) is a registered charity founded in the 1970s by the Churches Together in Shirley in Croydon. We help our local elders to avoid loneliness and isolation through a range of services. Shirley has a greater percentage of people aged over 85 than the rest of Croydon and we provide activities to help our older residents live independently for as long as possible.
Our office is based at St George’s Church Hall on Elstan Way (just off The Glade) in Shirley CR0 7PR, however our lunch club takes place at West Wickham & Shirley Baptist Church but all enquiries should be referred to our St George’s office on 0208 662 9599.
Our office is staffed Monday to Friday between 10am and 12.30pm. Outside of these hours callers can leave a message which will be answered as soon as possible.
SNC operates a regular shopping bus to Sainsbury’s in West Wickham and Tesco at Elmer’s End; lunch clubs every Monday and Thursday at WW&SBC; transport to medical appointments; and a range of outings to tea shops, pubs and restaurants for lunch and garden centres; as well as a film club showing up to the minute movies. Our film club runs out of Shirley Methodist Church .
We operate with the help of volunteers who kindly give their time to help Shirley’s elderly community. Volunteers have the reward of knowing that their work is greatly appreciated by our clients. If you have a few hours to spare each week, please take a look at our Volunteering page.
Shirley Neighbourhood Care is a charity which is part funded by the Churches Together in Shirley. We no longer receive a grant from Croydon Council. We rely upon donations to ensure our continued existence. We therefore need to make a charge for some services like the lunch club, the shopping bus and the outings. We are very grateful that clients often like to make a donation for the medical transport. Donations can also be gift-aided. If you would like to donate to SNC or to register to use our services, please contact us.