Constitution: BCS NLB Green Seniors



BCS NLB Green Seniors Group is established  with the object of promoting co-operation with similar bodies throughout UK, Europe and worldwide, encouraging and supporting, understanding on matters affecting senior citizens. The Group works within the parameters of the Green Party Philosophical Basis and its Policies.


To safeguard and promote the well being of senior citizens, and in particular to ensure that government policy or the application of it does not disadvantage them, but takes their special needs into account. 



Areas to be considered could include, but not be limited to:- ·

No discrimination in the access to and provision of health care ·

A fair and equitable pension provision that keeps pace with the cost of living

Availability of continuing education with Access to the Internet.

Promotion of respect for and the human dignity and rights of the elderly ·

Bridging the divide between generations





1 Green Seniors , is a group open to  all, who share its aims , principles and interests as detailed above. We have not declared an age group as we believe that any member of the public with an interest in Senior and Green  issues should have access to our information on this website. Many carers are children and young people and sould ot be obstructed by their age



Membership of Green Seniors shall be open to any person who share the aims and objectives of Green Seniors. The usual method of joining will be by application to the BCS NLB Green Seniors' Committee .  A list of members will be held within the provisions of the relevant Data Protection legislation
If a member of Senior Greens ceases to become a member at their request or for any other reason, their personal data must/will be removed from the circulation list for the group.


The Green Seniors  Committee shall comprise Co-Chairs, Secretary, Membership Secretary and  Treasurer, Events/Social Officer. International Officer. Other Committee posts may be created by the Committee as necessary subject to ratification by a meeting of Green Seniors


The Committee shall be elected at the AGM.




Green Seniors’ meetings will be notified to all members and advertised on the member website (currently  Minutes of meetings will be published on the member website.  All meetings shall be open to members of Green Seniors and other members of the Green Party of England and Wales.


Members will be notified of the date, time and place of the meeting. Whilst the Covid pandemic is raging we have had communication by email with the committee members and the sent emails to the members advising them of the decisions made.


An Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall take place and a report shall be agreed.
- a review the Group’s purpose, and whether it is still meeting the needs of the group or whether it should be dissolved

- a review of the Group’s fundamental principles, aim and objectives and Fields of Interest.

Nnames and contact details for membership of the Group’s Committee, which will also be provided to the member of staff responsible.

Ordinary meetings of Green Seniors shall take place as decided by the Committee and be open to all Green Seniors’ members. Where possible, an Ordinary meeting of Green Seniors shall be held at British Computer Society premises at Moorgate. 



Decisions  made at meetings shall be by majority vote, except for election of committee members, which shall be made as described in the section “COMMITTEE” above. Contentious or tied issues may be decided by a poll of all Green Seniors members.


Committee members may take decisions or communicate on behalf of Green Seniors in between Ordinary, on matters that arise during these times.  Their decisions and communications shall be subject to ratification by a properly constituted meeting of Green Seniors.



Green Seniors may raise funds on its own behalf for campaigns and other activities in line with Green Seniors aims.


Green Seniors may open a bank account to keep its funds which shall be spent in pursuance of its aims and shall keep simple accounts.



Green Seniors shall encourage the formation of local Green Seniors  groups 



The Green Seniors' constitution maybe changed at an AGM or an EGM.



All disputes and complaints will be resolved within the group if possible.  If they cannot be resolved, the group will take advice from Council on the most appropriate means of resolving the complaint, usually by mediation in the first instance before resorting to a formal complaint.