Streatham Choral


               Audio Practise Files                                Mass in Blue                         

The audio files are edited to come in a few bars before your voice-part's entry. If the audio cuts out mid-way through a track, it's because there's a long section in which your voice-part isn't singing. Such sections are replaced by a 3 second gap, with the audio coming back in a few bars before your next singing entry.


Sop Alto Tenor Bass All

1. Kyrie - emphasise voice-part

2. Gloria - emphasise voice-part




       Gloria - slow tempo


3. Credo - emphasise voice-part

       Credo - slow temp


4. Sanctus - emphasise voice-part


 5. Benedictus - emphasise voice-part   


6. Agnus Dei - emphasise voice-part   













































Missa Brevis St Joannis de Deo


  Sop Alto Tenor Bass  

1. Kyrie



 2. Gloria



3. Credo



4. Sanctus



 5. Benedictus



6. Agnus Dei