Finemere Wood Reserve

Saturday 19 June 2010
10:30 to 17:00

In the morning take a look around this BBOWT Reserve, then meet Butterfly Conservation's Stuart Hodges at 2pm to join their hunt for the Black Hairstreak butterfly at SP 721 209.  His mobile number for the day, should anyone wish to join for the afternoon only, is 07941 763850.  In case of bad weather, I will contact Stuart for further information the day before.  Bring a picnic lunch and binoculars.  It may be muddy, so bring suitable footwear.  There are no toilets - I am told the nearest are at Waddesdon.  Car-sharing will be organised from The Moor.

Contact Andrea Polden
01494 783533
The Moor Car Park,
Moor Road
(view map)
Cost Free, but donations to drivers of shared cars appreciated