CRA Monthly Meeting.
Tuesday 02 February 2016
19:15 to 21:00
Monthly meeting of the CRA - all welcome; agenda as follows:-
DRAFT Agenda forMeeting of Tuesday 2nd February 2016 in Cellardyke Lower Town Hall starting at 7.15pm
1. Apologies for absence - notified so far John Brown, Susan Holmes, and George Walker.
2 Receipt and approval of the minutes of the meeting of 1st December 2015
3. Matters arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda
(i) Development of a path from Silverdykes through to Toll Road via the church field
(ii) Solar panels in conservation areas
4. Secretary’s Report/Correspondence
5. Treasurer’s Report
Accounts for the periods 1st December 2015 to 31st January 2016
6. Social/Community and CRA Activities
(i) Burns Supper 2016
(ii) Safe cycle routes – progress report
(iii) Anstruther Burgh Survey
(iv) AnstrutherHarbour Festival 2016 (June 4th and 5th)
7. Silverdykes Liaison Committee:
(i) Report on any recent developments
(ii) Other issues
8. Local and Environmental Issues
(i) Interpretation Boards - progress report
(ii) Floral Matters
9. Communications
10. KACC report
11. AOCB
Location |
Cellardyke (Lower) Town Hall Cellardyke Fife |
Cost | £1/month subscription to the CRA |