CRA Annual General Meeting

Tuesday 06 September 2016
19:15 to 21:00

Annual General Meeting of the Cellardyke Residents Association.






Chairman: Glenn Jones

Secretary:   Catherine Wilson


Ninth Annual General Meeting 


7.15pm, Tuesday, 6th September 2016

 Cellardyke Town Hall (the Eddie Allan Room)

Lower Level – entrance on Tolbooth Wynd 

1.         Apologies for absence

2.         Presentation by Elizabeth Dickson on Reviving the Sea Queen Festival

3.         Minutes of the AGM of Tuesday, 1st September 2015

4.         Approval of the minutes and matters arising, if any.

5.         Presentation by John Brown on the Interpretation Boards Project

6.         Secretary’s  Report (to be tabled)

7.         Treasurer’s Report (to be tabled)

8.         Chairman’s Reflection on the past year and a Look to the Future

9.         Changes to the Constitution (if needed)

10.       Annual subscriptions and membership

11.       Election of Officers:

            Chairman                                           Vice Chairman

            Secretary                                           Treasurer     

12.       AOCB, including date of next AGM: Tuesday, 5th September 2017, and proposed dates of ordinary meetings.

The AGM will be followed by light refreshments.

Eddie Allan Room
Cellardyke (Lower) Town Hall.