CRA Monthly Meeting

Tuesday 01 April 2014
19:15 to 20:30

Monthly meeting of Cellardyke Residents Association - all welcome.

DRAFT Agenda forMeeting of Tuesday 1st April 2014 in Cellardyke Lower Town Hall at 7.15pm

 1.         Apologies for absence – in addition to the standard names: Catriona and David Coulter

 2.         Receipt and approval of the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, 4th March 2014

 3.         Matters arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda

            (i) Planning applications

                        (a) Wind turbines (George to speak)

                        (b) Silverdykes Development – re-configuration of plans      

(ii) Silverdykes Street Party

(iii) Other

 4.         Secretary’s Report/Correspondence - Membership renewals update


5.         Treasurer’s Report:

            Balance sheet for the period 1st – 31st March, and bank balance


6.         Social/Community Activities

            (a) Burns Supper 2015 – Progress report (Glenn to speak)

(b) Some outcomes from KACC special meeting (3rd March) re co-ordinating efforts/activities across the community, in particular a possible Anster Fair (Kate S to speak)

(c) A CRA contribution to the Harbour Festival 2014?


7.         Silverdykes Liaison Committee:

            (i) Committee membership (Catherine to speak)

            (ii) Traffic calming measures on Windmill Road and other transportation issues

            (iii) Confusion re numbering of houses in Acorn Court

 8.         Local and Environmental Issues

                                    (i) Defibrillators for Cellardyke – organization of a Training/Awareness session (Catherine/David to speak)

            (ii) The War Memorial and the steps – article re funding attached

            (iii) Floral Matters

(iv) Coastal Communities Fund (Steve Liscoe)

 9.         CRA Website

 10.       KACC Liaison Report

 11.       AOCB, to include date of next meeting (6th May?)


Cellardyke Town Hall (Lower)