Bye Bye Green Belt, Hello Greed Belt!


Parish listed for urban sprawl to replace Green Belt fields

on four sites in Blackmore village and Hook End.



Brentwood Borough Council voted through the next stage of its Local Development Plan (LDP) last night (Wednesday 17th January) and unlike the 2016 version which spared us from the the bulldozers, it now targets the parish with schemes to build 116 extra 'dwellings'.


A six-week consultation period on the LDP proposals will begin at the end of January by which time all residents should have received notification from Brentwood Council.


One of the documents added to last night's Agenda at late notice reveals that many other fields and plots in Blackmore, Hook End and Wyatts Green have been spied out and identified as so-called 'Reasonable Alternative' sites on which to build.


At the time of this posting there is still no straightforward way to access the LDP proposals on the official Brentwood Council website but by clicking this link LDP and scrolling to Item 9 of the Agenda where all the documents are downloadable as PDFs. If the link fails, the appropriate page is within the 'Democracy' section of the website.


The Parish Council will be meeting tonight.