Guide for Markers

Do not expect others to mark your singles tie if you are not prepared to mark ties for others. 

Before play commences

  • Make sure you know the rules of the competition you are marking.
  • Ensure you have the necessary equipment, e.g. pen/pencil, score card, chalk, measures and wedges.
  • Introduce yourself to the competitors and enter their full names (Christian & Surname) on the score card. Establish which bowls belong to which player.
  • Indicate that you will only answer direct questions from the player who has possession of the rink, and that you intend to mark or indicate touchers as soon as the bowl comes to rest.

During Play 

  • Ensure that the mat is properly placed and that the jack is centred at a legal distance from the front of the mat before the first to play, plays their first bowl.
  • Always use the 2metre stick (if available or markers on side ditch) to set the jack from the rear ditch.
  • Remain still, behind and to the side of the rink while a bowl is being played, making sure that you do not obstruct the boundary pegs or that your shadow falls on the jack.
  • Do not approach the head unless it is to mark a toucher, remove chalk marks, indicate a toucher or to answer questions.
  • Mark jack or touchers in the ditch.
  • Remove dead bowls, with the permission of the players and ask players if a ‘line’ bowl is in or out.
  • Be as accurate as possible when giving distances between jack and bowls, and if unsure which is the shot when asked, say so. Do not volunteer information unless asked.
  • Only measure shots when asked to by the players. If you can’t decide, or the players are undecided, call an umpire.
  • If bowls are likely to fall before or during a measure, use wedges.
  • Do not disturb or break up a head, this should be done by the players or an umpire.
  • Before marking the score card make sure you know which player has been awarded the shots. Inform both players of the state of score at completion of every end.

After the Game

  • Complete the score card, and have it signed by both players before returning it to the appropriate official.
  • Do not congratulate players until the end of the game and above all remain impartial.