Amy's Story (provided by Derventio Housing)

Amy was alcohol dependent and living in a squat.

When Amy, 33, was referred to our Healthy Futures project in January 2014 she was homeless and alcohol dependent. She had been a high impact user of health services, with 7 hospital addmisions in the previous 12 months.

Amy was a very vulnerable individual and had been the victum of physical, mental and sexual abuse. She was trying to reduce her alcohol consumtion on her own, but this led to a series of withdrawl seizures and hospital admissions.

At the time of her referral Amy had lost her own room at the hostel she was staying at and was living in a squat with her partner. Her only social circle involved other homeless people with chaotic lifestyles and this was impacting on her ability to become alcohol free.

A Healthy Futures assessment was conducted and Amy was signed up for accommodation with Derventio, moving in the same day. We sourced food and toiletries which meant that Amy was able to settle in, have a shower and  hot meal.

Suupported by Healthy futures, Amy has continued to reduce her alcohol consumption and she is visibly healthier and enjoying living in a stable environment. She has reduced her contact with the social circle and has e-established contact with her family. 

Louise from Derventio have asked to share their Healthy Futures Two-Year Evaluation Report, a homeless hospital discharge project and would love to be involved in the forum if they ever deliver any services here in Gloucester.